



PREAMBLE: The flying of the Oriental Roller is nearly a lost art in North America. We are at a pivotal point in the history of the breed on this continent. The mission of the Flying Oriental Roller Society is to restore the heritage of the breed as an air performing pigeon and to advance the popularity of this distinctive breed throughout the pigeon fancy. 

The club is open to all who are interested in the Flying Oriental Roller and would like to share the fellowship and good sportsmanship of like minded fanciers. 

ARTICLE 1: The club is first and foremost a club dedicated to flying oriental roller pigeons. The primary purpose of this club is to preserve and promote the Oriental Roller as a flying performing breed. The club purpose is essential and relevant, especially at this time. The club motto shall reflect this purpose as follows: “Dedicated to the preservation of the Oriental Roller as a Performing Pigeon”. 

ARTICLE 2: The club will support the showing and exhibiting of the Flying Oriental Roller for promotional purposes and fellowship among those with similar interests. 

The NPA recognizes the Flying Oriental Roller and the Oriental Roller as distinct breeds with separate standards. The standard for the flying Oriental Roller was developed and will continue to be refined based on the conformation of Flying Oriental Rollers from lofts that select for performance. It is the classic Oriental Roller of the ages, valued for its flying and performing abilities, not a new breed of pigeon. 

ARTICLE 3: The club will operate with the following officers: President, Secretary-Treasurer, Fly Director, Bulletin Editor, Band Secretary, Eastern Director, Midwestern Director, Western Director and Canadian Director. Club meetings are held in the internet forum with the majority ruling on all issues each officer having one vote, regardless of number of positions held, with the exception of the President who has the tie-breaker vote. 

Elections will be held in November by email and postal ballot, with terms starting the following January 1st. Any member in good standing may nominate any other member in good standing by contacting the current Secretary/Treasurer 30 days prior to the election. Unless contacted by the current officer and instructed otherwise the Secretary/Treasurer will include that officer on the ballot. 

Terms are for two years, with elections for President, Fly Director, Band Secretary, Midwestern Director and Canadian Director held on even years (term year). Elections for Secretary-Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, Eastern Director, and Western Director will be held on odd term years. In the event that a officer does not want, or is unable, for any reason, to serve in that position for the second year that office will be added to the current election for a term of one year. 

In the event an officer leaves or is removed from office, the Board of Directors will seek a replacement, discuss the prospect and vote on his/her placement. In case the President is no longer in office during his term a regional director will take his place (with the following rotation; East first, Midwest second, West third and Canada fourth) and hold that office until the next election. 

ARTICLE 4: The president's primary role is to ensure the club is self-sustaining. S/he works with the club's officers to effectively manage the club's activities. The president should communicate effectively with the club's membership. As the chief representative of the club, s/he must also communicate effectively with other organizations and work to ensure the club maintains its positive image with the public and the pigeon fancy. S/he will inform the membership of the club’s progress in each bulletin. The president will preside over the club meetings and organize the agenda of business to be conducted. 

ARTICLE 5: The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for the financial solvency of the club and must be legally bonded. The Secretary/Treasurer is to establish and maintain the club's bank account. 

The Secretary/Treasurer will keep an accurate record of all club funds. Additionally, s/he will publish a financial statement of expenditures and balances in the club bulletin. 

The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for paying non-recurring club expenses as decided by the board of directors and all recurring expenses. Recurring expenses must be approved by the board before they may be considered as a "recurring expense." An example of a recurring expense is the postage and printing of the newsletter. 

The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for keeping all club records including the fly rules, the show standard, and the membership list all of which must be published at least annually in the club bulletin. All club records and financial statements must be kept well-organized so they can be easily transferred to a newly elected Secretary/Treasurer. 

The Secretary/Treasurer will record the minutes of formal club meetings and publish these in the following club bulletin. 

ARTICLE 6: The Newsletter Editor is responsible for publishing and mailing a quarterly newsletter. The newsletter will contain quarterly reports, fly schedules and results, articles, columns, photos, and other relevant information. It is the editor's responsibility to obtain information for the newsletter and to keep the information fresh and interesting. S/he is encouraged to solicit relevant information from the membership. 

A directory of breeders will be printed at no charge providing the breeders are club members in good standing. Members in good standing may also submit advertisements of one-quarter page or less to be published at no charge. 

The Newsletter Editor must publish the quarterly reports from the club's officers. S/he generally has sole discretion over all other material published. However, the BOD's must approve the newsletter before it is delivered and a majority of the board must agree before controversial material is (or is not) published. 

ARTICLE 7: The band secretary is responsible for ordering, selling and distributing bands each year in a timely manner. Color, type and numbers of bands will be decided by the BOD's. The Band Secretary will keep a log of bands sold. The band log will be a permanent and continuous running account of all bands sold and must be kept in such a form as to be easily transferred to the next Band Secretary. The Band Secretary has the sole discretion over which band number series each member will get. Surplus bands may only be sold to club members in good standing. All checks and money collected for bands will be deposited with the Secretary/Treasurer. 

ARTICLE 8: The Fly Director is responsible for organizing, recording and presiding over all club-sponsored, international flying contests. S/he will ensure that all club sponsored contests abide by club rules. S/he will advertise contests in the newsletter and in the online forum before the event. The Fly Director is also responsible for keeping the Fly Rules current. Changes to the fly rules must be approved by the BOD's. In the future local flys and directors may be added by the BOD's at the appropriate time when interest is expressed. 

ARTICLE 9, 10 and 11 were ELIMINATED 

ARTICLE 12, now ARTICLE 9: The Flying Oriental Roller Society is a non-profit organization. All money taken into the club will be dispersed for club uses only i.e. Newsletter publishing costs, postage, ads, prizes, sponsorships and the like. Any change in the amount of membership dues will be done by a majority vote. In the event the FORS should disband by majority vote or any other means. The club’s property will be offered for sale to the highest bidder among members in good standing. Proceeds from the sale of assets along with surplus cash on hand or in the bank will be divided equally among the members in good standing. The Secretary/Treasurer will oversee this process. 

The Flying Oriental Roller Society is simply a forum and a common meeting ground for those who fly Oriental Rollers. The intention of the founding members is to keep all activities simple and free from any complexities that tend to bog down and cause conflict in other clubs. Keep it simple and have the club motto in mind in all decisions regarding the FORS and we will flourish and prosper. By-Laws are the rules and policies any organization operates under. By-Laws can be revised, or abandoned by a 2/3 vote of the membership posted in the bulletin with votes taken by mailed in ballot.

Last edited by Alan Bliven, 9/14/2009, 10:21 pm